You want to make sure that your roof is sealed tight and there is no water getting in. This is without a doubt. But some contractors will tell you that you need a new roof, when in fact, you just need a repair. So what determines this decision?
First, find out where your leak(s) is coming from. If you have many leaks, chances are it’s time for a new roof. But if you have leaks in just a few places, you might be able to repair them to last 10-20 more years (depending on the situation) and save lots of money.
You might just need a few new shingles. Maybe some new tarpaper, or even some wood replaced but any way you look at it, it’ll be a lot less work than an entire new roof. Most shingles are easily available which makes for a reliable repair.
Bottom line: Ask your contractor about repair options, it can save you a lot of money.
*Homeowner tip – You can put a 2nd layer of asphalt shingles on top of the original shingles to save the cost of removing that layer.